When Your Pet Dies At The Vet

When A Pet Dies
There are a number of reasons why a pet may pass away at the vet. Many pet owners choose to have their pet euthanised in the final moments of their life to avoid any more suffering. Euthanasia should always be considered carefully and with full support from your vet.
On the rare occasion, a pet may die unexpectedly at the vet following a procedure. Your vet may have already advised you of the risks of the operation, giving you the opportunity to prepare for the worst, both practically and emotionally.
If your pet dies unexpectedly at the vet, you should remember that they are in the best place and the vet has done everything they can to save your furry friend.

Do's and don'ts for when your pet dies at the vet
Whether your pet dies as a result of a failed procedure or following a planned euthanasia, nothing can prepare you for the moment when it comes. However, you may find guidance in the below 'dos and don'ts' for when a pet dies at the vet. Remember that the Patch & Purr team are here for you on 1300 112 711, so don't hesitate to give us a call or ask your vet to contact us directly.
Grief factsheets
If you’re in need of some extra support in the days and weeks following your pet’s passing, take a look at these handy guides written by leading figure in grief and empathy education and author of "When Pets Die: It's Alright To Grieve," Doris Zagdanski.
Explaining A Pet's Death To A Child
How Do You Know When It Is Time To Say Goodbye?
When Your Pet Dies - Some Ways To Cope
Contact Us
Patch & Purr pet cremation, for when your loved one is no longer by your side, but forever in your heart.
We strive to treat your loyal companion with the care and respect they deserve at every step of the way. Call us on 1300 112 711 or use the contact form below, and a Patch & Purr team member will get back to you. By clicking send you agree to consent to our privacy policy.